Brand & Marketing Advisor,
Innovation & creativity facilitator.
Coach. Author. Speaker. Columnist.
Brand building is all about creating preference
& customer willingness to pay a premium on a sustained basis.
The client's teams, with their wealth of experience and a better ground-level understanding, have all the resources and solutions to their probortunities. They are best placed to evaluate the cause, constraints and potential solutions.
The external facilitator brings a new perspective, helping them analyse, evaluate, mine and pick the best practical solution.
Co-created Co-owned team solutions are the most effective long-term solutions for any probortunity.
Intradia Belief

INTRADIA believes in immersive and inclusive working.
It helps unleash the true potential of internal teams.
Unlocking the Brand potential. Realigning Brand identity, proposition and archetype with the brand vision and market requirements.

Why wait to Innovate?
A workshop to
develop a series of
co-created and
co-owned innovative solutions with the team.

Work on Personal Brand or be Branded by default.
Your professional growth is influenced by your internal personal branding in an organisation.
Specialised High Intensity Frequent Training
Taking a cue from Schools Intradia presents Shift- Short durtaion fixed suration high frequency training conducted at the clients premises without impacting the work schedule..

525 weeks and counting.
Sanjeev Kotnala's Wednesday column KOTMARTIAL, continues to be published uninterrupted on mxmindia.com for the last 500+ weeks.
Pahaadi- The Short Story Contest for writers with roots in Uttarakhand announces its season-4 after the successful release of Pahaadi-3- the Tiger in the Mountain and Other Stories on 20th December 2023.